
The Wyoming Native Plant Society is a non-profit organization established in 1981, dedicated to encouraging the appreciation and conservation of the native flora and plant communities of Wyoming. The Society promotes education and research on native plants of the state through its newsletter, field trips, and annual student scholarship awards.

Membership is open to individuals, families, or organizations. We strive to keep our membership accessible to as many people as possible, and therefore anyone can join for as little as $10. Some folks opt to pay an extra $2 for paper copies of newsletters sent in the mail, $10 for additional scholarship support, or $5 to join a regional chapter. With a lifetime membership, you can support the Society through a one-time payment of $300.

The membership cycle is Jan 1- Dec. 31.  Most people renew memberships in December for the upcoming year although you are welcome to become a member or renew your membership for the current calendar year at any time. Members receive our quarterly publication Castilleja four times per year, notifications of native plant walks and other programs, and most importantly, opportunities to appreciate the flora of Wyoming with other botanists and plant enthusiasts of all stripes. Scholarship-supporting members support research, conservation, and outreach through contributions to the Markow Scholarship/Small Grant Fund.

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Or, submit your membership form via PayPal below!

Memberships and Registrations