
The Wyoming Native Plant Society has two very active regional chapters: Sublette County (Pinedale area) and Teton Plants (Jackson area). The chapters provide hikes and talks of local interest, and are a great way to meet other botanists and plant enthusiasts. Affiliating with a chapter is $5 in addition to the membership dues paid to join the Society. Please see the main membership page for details on membership dues and to become a member.

The Wyoming Native Plant Society is proud of our local, grassroots chapters. If you are reading this and wondering why there is not a chapter in your area, considering founding one! WYNPS members may establish chapters where sufficient interest exists. If you are interested, please contact any of the officers for more information.

Sublette County

Sublette County chapter of the  Wyoming Native Plant Society is centered in Pinedale. Officers can be reached at

Current Officers:

  • Chair:  Jill Randall
  • Vice-chair:  Bettina Sparrowe, (307) 231-0070
  • Secretary-treasurer:  Karen Clause

Teton Plants

The Teton County chapter of the Wyoming Native Plant Society can be visited here.